Literacy development is a huge contributor for all other areas of a child’s development. Early literacy is the ability to speak, listen, understand, watch and even draw! It also encapsulates phonological awareness, letter identification, syllabification and much more.
At Kids Oasis our Educators work hard to create a learning environment which continually promotes early literacy and also offers many shared reading experiences on a daily basis.
Shared reading is the simple act of reading and exploring books with your children. Research has proven a wondrous amount of benefits linked to shared reading. It’s difficult though when you don’t have a huge variety of books lying around or don’t know where and what to begin purchasing as there is an overwhelmingly huge variety of books to choose from.
During shared reading periods it’s so important to ask lots of questions and have the children ask you some in return. At Kids Oasis, our Educators are trained in asking guided questions which challenge and extend children’s thinking and you can easily do the same at home!
To get you started we will begin regularly sharing book ideas and also some guided questions to ask alongside them. Feel free to take the reins though, discuss the book with your child(ren), allow them to ask you some questions, share ideas with one another and enjoy the overall experience of shared reading…
Book: The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
1. Oh no! The Thunder and rain woke them up, what are some things that wake you up at night
while your sleeping?
2. Who helps you when you’re afraid?
3. What do you think she means by saying “you know we’re always together, no matter what?”
How can that be?
4. I wonder what an invisible string is?
5. Do you have an invisible string? Who would it be connected to? Do you think there is a limit to
how many strings we can have?
6. Do you know anyone in heaven?
7. When you’re feeling sad or alone how do you think the string can help us?
Click on the link below to read the book online or purchase it for your very own home library!